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“Ravnovesie” is now on VKontakte.RU – Looking for Young Volunteers!




"Ravnovesie Plus" Group at www.VKontakte.ru is inviting young people for volunteer work at orphanages and other social institutions of Karelia.

To become a member of "Ravnovesie Plus" Group at www.VKontakte.ru, find this group on www.vkontakte.ru, study the history and terms of participation and select the kind of work you will be willing to do when helping orphaned children and other groups who need your assistance. The qualities we welcome in those who join the group include sanity, ability to listen and follow, creativity and friendliness, and desire to learn. The group is not trying to embrace the boundless, instead it is working in areas where connections are available and the work has been properly set. In this difficult time, participation of young people in the lives of the orphans, the abandoned children, the convicts, the homeless and senior citizens remains ever more necessary. There are experienced coordinators for each kind of work who can help newcomers not to "burn out" in their enthusiasm while working and remain helpful to others. If you live in a remote area and would like to begin working in this group, we are ready to share our experience with you: just make sure you write to us right away after you have joined.

For any enquiries please contact Ksenia at okson[at]nextmail.ru or call +79114334733

In the picture: Members of "Ravnovesie Plus" Group at www.VKontakte.ru

Administration of "Ravnovesie Plus" Group at www.VKontakte.ru

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